Hmmmm. this is the best example of old is gold, I tell you why coz my father has this scooter for past 16 long years, papa use to go daily 23KM to his office and back and this scooter performed this duty at best of its ability after he upgraded to car, now comes my turn I used it to go to college daily 17KM and again he(our scooter) performed his duty efficiently and faithfully. I completed my graduation with this scooter.
Till date he never lets me get late to any place along with it he is helping me groccery shopping, nearby tiny tasks and various other forms. Now I have shifted to different form of transport but I still prefer our chetak going to any place. Ask your parents im sure they have also anytime in their life have had the experience of riding this joyfull ride.
So I can proudly say old is gold and will be forever.