Inspite of seeing all the problems I experienced with my Bajaj Boxer good friend still went ahead and purchased this lowsy product from Bajaj and now he is paying the price.
Let me Explain the Advertisement of this Bike first
Bajaj CT100...101 Kms /litre...Stylish Look , Stunning Graphics....Aerodynamic design..attractive colours...Jackie Chan riding....
Here are the facts about this bike
Month & Year of Purchase:- Feb 2005.
Kilometers Run so far :- close to 52, 000
Problem started after 20500 Kms of run.
Service Done :- 14 times ( Including free Service. All by Bajaj Service Centre)
Oil Change :- 23 times.
Major Repair :- Just Once (Gear slip problem)
My friend never speeds his bike beyond 60, very decent driver, smooth driving, weight 61 Kgs. His office is about 40 Kms from Chennai towards Pondicherry. He is a salesman and drives close to about 150 Kms everyday. His company pays Rs. 100 as petrol allowance daily. The only reason he bought CT100 is because he thought it would give excellent mileage close to 70 Kms/litre and he can save Rs 400 every month on petrol and manage his bike loan.
As he expected, it delivered around 62 -65 Kms / litre consistently for first few hundred kilometers. The Service centre mechanic said this will improve after regular service and once the piston gets tuned. Slowly the mileage started decreasing considerably. After 20, 000 Kms the bike settled for 52 -55 Kms / litre. My friend did a paid service in the Bajai service centre and they indeed went for a mileage test and it got proved. The technician did some fine tuning, cleaning and brought back to 60 mark. It did not stay for long time, 3 months later the mileage dropped to 50 Kms and the service centre had no answer. He took it to another Bajaj Service Centre and the mechanic told there were large number of similar complaints by other customers who have done more than 18000 Kms. Now, it is giving consistent mileage of 47 - 50 Only. One comment he made was really intresting "Bajaj just redesigns the bike styling, add graphics, add colour and sells by attractive advertisements". He also said DTS-i technology used in pulsar was also a failure and customers are yelling at them everyday. It does not give more than 40 Kms for 150cc pulsar after 15, 000 Kms.
My friend decided to sell the bike. Believe me the bike is just 19 months old. He has another 1 year left to complete his bike loan. The maximum offer he got was Rs. 12, 500 only. Many did not even make the offer. They say Bajaj bikes does not have resale value. There is no one to buy a second hand bajaj product. They are ready to pay even Rs.16500 for a 10 year old Splendor or Yamaha RX 100.
So, Friends...This is True. If you dont beleive me better ask your mechanic. I am 100% sure no mechanic will recommend a Bajaj Product (if he is really close to you). Of course bike mechanics love Bajaj bikes because it brings them regular business.
NO TO BAJAJ MOTORCYCLES (EXCEPT SCOOTERS). I AM A SUPPORTER OF "BE INDIAN BUY INDIAN -only for quality products" . If your hard earned money is important then take appropriate decision. Dont buy and cry after 3 years. Your Bike should work for you for atleast 10 years.
Make a best choice...I recommend Splendor+ , CD100, Crux , Libero or even Victor(old model).