I bought my Discover 125 last year Feb06, I sold my splendor to buy this bike in exchange, I was mesmerized by ads by Bajaj(esp. exchange offer). I will only write cons(which are very serious in nature), bcos I want people to read it and avoid this bike altogether.
Power is low: 11.5 Bhp is the specification of this bike, it was powerful only upto 3 rd free service, after that it went on reducing and this was not the case with my old splendor, never I felt this type of power let down. With this experience I feel this bike is not for long term usage. I found many Discover owners complaining this phenomenon, Bajaj should expalin it.
Mileage: This bike was advertised as 91 kmpl when I bought, after 3 months Bajaj was advertising as 65 on road! But right now Im getting mileage of just 40-45 kmpl. My splendor never returned less than 60 kmpl through out its service, normally I used to get 65 kmpl. I hear that Glamour, Super Splendor, Shine and Zeus are all giving 55 kmpl. So Discover is not good value for money.
Service issues: Every service this bike develops some or the other issues, after Ist service there was teeth shattering noise/vibration from foot pad(transfered from gear box/chassis), after 2nd service, gear shift problem, after 3rd free service power went down badly. Service is a nightmare, they will never meet your expectations. This was not the case with Hero Honda service, only now I realize Hero Honda service very good.
Bad Features: I have asked many people about the ride control switch, every one says in one mode it gives bad mileage and in other mode it gives very bad mileage. The feel of power is not significant b/w these modes. This feature is useless and misleads when seeing features for first time on brochures. DTSi as I understood is a system that burns fuel efficiently to give good mileage but I think DTSi burns MORE fuel efficiently:( very bad, DTSi I think is not mileage feature as told, but in turn guzzles more petrol. DTSi was one of the reason I bought this bike. The salesman had told that DTSi will ensure 65 kmpl guaranteed.
Selling my splendor and upgrading was not correct decision. In 125cc bikes please dont buy Discover , buy any other bike. With discover you discover only poor mileage & low power. Many people say Discover looks good, but look at bottom 2/3rd part it looks worse than any other bike, only tank and headlight is OK. Headlight bulb get fused every month, Bajaj service never fixed it till date(they are not capable of fixing). Coming to tank, while cornering as you trust knee against tank, you feel some sharp thing touching. The tank looks great, but serves no purpose.
Thank for reading,
Girish, Tumkur