The Guru
The entry of Bajaj Discover in 125 segment has definitely tightened the market competition, however the Discover is likely to emerge as the Guru in this segment.
Here lets look at some of the key features:
1.Price: Rs. 46, 613 Electric Start on Road
2.Milage: 60+ on Indian Streets
3.Looks: Mini Pulsar
4.Technical Specs: 124.52 cc, 11.5 BHP, 10 litr. , 129 kg, DTS-i ExhausTec
5.Ride Control: Easy Handling, Long wheel Base(1305mm), 5 Step adjustable suspension.
- Source & Planet Bajaj
The Bajaj Discover also has a sporty look with alloy tyres in the Base Level 3 segment. Some of the key features are in the engine itself with the patented ride control switch (mind you its a complete mechanical switch), exhaust expansion chamber and off course twin spark plug. Let us understand what these features are...
The Exhaus Tec as the name sounds is, just a chamber attached at the bottom to the silencer which increases the back pressure, and hence saves energy also adds power due to complete combustion of fuel in the engine.
Ok now the ride control switch is similar to what the TVS Victor had with power and economy mode, however the major difference here is that this is a pure mechanical switch that saves your petrol by letting the accelerator throttle a slow movement.
The DTS-i (Digital Twin Spark Ignition) is again a patented technology by bajaj, it has two spark plugs inside the combustion chamber giving complete combustion of fuel.
The Fuel Tank is of 10 litres(No pregnant lady look like Pulsar!) and this is good, looking at the current price of petrol.The Gear box is slightly bigger with four gears(all down).
It has good riding comfort with a Pleasant Boom firing sound. Larger wheel base(1305mm) ensures safety and stability.
The Biggest Benefit is the cool price tag, Discover comes with. The on road price in Pune is RS. 46, 613 for Electric Start version. And 43, 674 for kick start.
However as a product strategy I expect the top end version of the Discover to enjoy a price differential of Rs.10000-12000 below the Pulsar Twins, where Bajaj continues to enjoy a market share of around 75%.
Also the alloy wheels that gives Discover a sporty look is one good feature, (Do keep in Mind alloy wheels although stable are costly when it comes for repairs). The alloy wheel version has Disc Brakes and is priced around 51, 000.
All in all it seems the Bajaj Discover can pull up some business from HONDA Unicorn which is still awaiting Delivery on road and bookings are closed till December in Pune.While you can get The Discover by Diwali with lot of offers.
Also one thing which I would really like to stress upon is the after sales that bajaj offers is far more better and cheaper than Honda.
Here is something more to be added... There is no modification required for DTS-i, it is working fine with pulsar and its a patented technology, so do not worry!
So My opinion is Discover is a good City Vehicle Unless you fancy the looks and Style which Honda Unicorn offers!
But The Guru Is Discover!!