There are many reviews written about these bike. I think the positive reviews are witten only by the short riders. This bike is suitable for short and average peoples. It is not comfortable for tall riders like me. There are some extra features are added in this bike like the 5 speed gear box, maintanence free battery, auto choke mechanism, constant headlight power etc.etc. I think this is the only 100cc bike with longer wheelbase(1305mm). Its a magic how they give more mileage with these longer wheelbase.
This bike looks good when it put in the side stand position but, its not looking good for rider while on the riding position. Unlike 135cc discover the riders footrests position are slightly changed and its not comfortable for tall riders with its tank design. It also feels unsafety on higher speeds. The gas filled shock absorbers are not working as good as in the pulsar and the front forks are also not smooth. Any how, people who does not take care or without any knowledge about twowheelers can buy this mileage vehicle.