I took 100cc bajaj discover in dec 2009. Till today it has run 9000kms.
Till today I have got an average mileage in city=63-65km.
Once I traveled long 220km/day. I got 68km mileage even on pillion rider-That too the speed was 75km average in highway.
Only once I got 40km mileage-But the issue I isolated is that the worst petrol bunk-fraud.Then I changed the bunk-till today in city am getting 60-65. Sometimes even more also.
I ride comfortably.
Some tips what I follow in 100cc bike-bajaj discover
1)Always never do self start in morning.
2)Use self start only when u need it in traffic.
3)As far as possible use kick start.
4)Morning times-before starting the vehicle, press the clutch and kick the starter 5-10 times and suddenly release the cluth(Dont start)-so that proper oil lubrication will be done inside engine.
5)Then start the vehicle and slowly increase the throttle(Not so high) and keep constant throttle for 5-10 seconds-This increases the engine oil circulatory very fine.
6)Next in the low throttle condition-put first gear and start the journey.
7)Also change the gear when ever required-Always dont think of mileage-It comes sure if u ride properly. Think of vehicle long term efficiency-Change the gear even if its a lower gear when really required.Dont do conjoose in changing the gear to save fuel-This puts pressure on engine-Then engine wear and tear will be high.
8)So gear changing when necessary is must -At this time forget the mileage-See mileage we have to get by concentrated riding-It will not come as it is by its owm.
9)Always think about engine-Not mileage.Till today I have not bothered abt Milege. It comes perfectly around 65 in city because the vehicle gets it by our driving style.
10)Our concentration should be engine life.
11)Every 2250 km change the oil.
12)I prefer castrol Activ-4T -Superb oil for this bike.
13)Always dont go beyond 75 km for this bike-Maximum.
14)I maintain 65 max and sometimes 75-80 for sometime.
15)Oil the chain once in every 250km.
16)Keep the tyre pressure 36/26.
mILEAGEwise this bike is good-Also pick up is super in 100cc segement bikes comparison.
Please donr compare this bike with splendor+ also.
Thhis bike does not have utility box.
The lights are very focussable. Very bright. Any dark area confidently we can ride.
Almost one year over- I have not found even a single problem.
Maintaiance I do
1)Weekly one must tyre pressure check-36/36.
2)Petrol nearby Indian oil trusted pump-No fraud.I like Indian oil petrol than shell. But only in trusted pumps.
3)Chain adjustment-every 300km.This is one -ve in this bike as every 300-400 km the chain will get loosen.I spend 10rs for tightening.
4)Every 2250km strictly I change the engine oil-castrol-activ-4T.
5)I have finished one paid service till now-there nitrox filling is done after 8000kms.
6)Check the wheel alignment every 300km. Check if whobbling is there.
-Even for long ride-250km I did in one day comfortly without any back pain
There are very less -ve things, that can be ignorable. But this bike is my horse. This cant be compared with herohonda spl+, passion bikes. This is a superb bike.
I care and love the bike-The bike also cares me in rides.
Last thing is service is poor. But if we pin point the problems and raise the voice in service centre, our work will be done fine. If we want-we should speak.(This I am talking in free service)
paid service is OK-No problem. They do well in Popular bajaj-Bangalore
Any concerns call me.
Chethan .K.v