I am a technical person with my father a mechanical foreman with 35 years of experience. I am going to write about my experience on BAJAJ DISCOVER 125CC.
I bought this vehicle after reading lot of reviews and getting opinions from the people who bought it. I have a Discover with Alloy wheels+Disc Break+Self start.
1) Design & Comfort
The design of the vehicle is very nice, decent. I have the first version of Discover which does not come with fancy stickers. Regarding comfort it is HARD to move due to the DISC BREAK. I always feel that someone is pulling back the vehicle when I try to move it front.
2) Reliability
I would suggest you to depend only 65% on the vehicle due to BAD BREAKS and change in Fuel consumption after every service.
3) Handling and Control
Again as I said earlier it is HARD to move. The tyres have ZERO GRIP even on normal roads. I have FELL DOWN 6 TIMES due to the disc break. When I press the disc break the handle bar is turning automatically to the right side and MAKING THE VEHICLE SLIP ON THE ROAD. I am still fighting with Bajaj on this.
But now I can guess why Bajaj STOPPED THE DISCOVER WITH DISC BREAKS. When I inquired the showroom they said that they hear lot of accidents due to the DISC BREAK. So it is a manufacturing fault not having sufficient weight on the front side when compared with Pulsar. But BAJAJ IS NOT READY TO ACCEPT IT
4) Fuel Consumption
Economically I would suggest this vehicle as the best. It is delivering me 63-65Kmpl ON NORMAL CITY ROAD TRAFFIC CONDITIONS & 58-62Kmpl ON HEAVY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS and a 70-73Kmpl (@ 50-60Kph speed)on Highways.
I tested this vehicle by going a long tour. I traveled about 780Kms. The tank capacity of 10Liters & a reserve of 2.3Liters is not sufficient for a highway drive.
I spent totally 13Liters of petrol, so at an average of 60Kpl. I traveled at various speeds. The minimum speed of 50Kph and a maximum speed of 110Kph. I also tried a NON STOP DRIVING of 109Km while returning. Excellent performance by discover.
I have slip disc problem. But I didnt’t face any issue during this tour.
5) Issues and Concerns
The only main issue with the vehicle is with the break system and the tyre grip. Now daily I am driving by holding my life in my hands. I would definitely say that if something happens to my life it is because of Bajaj. I bought this vehicle for Rs.57, 000 from Jai autos. Spending half a lac of rupees I cant sell this vehicle now for loss.
The next petty issue is the service problem. I am servicing at Jai autos. When ever it goes for service the mileage drops by 10Km.
Overall I would say it is technically excellent vehicle if the above issues are rectified, but the price is too high for a middle class person to buy.
Updates: 04/09/2006
I went to Bajaj again and fought for my issues. Since the servicemanager of Jai autos Mr.Saravanan is a nice person he will take theeffort and find the problem. I gave my vehicle for 5th service. Finally thesaid the wobbling and the road grip issues all because of BAD TYRES (mine isDunlop).
They asked me change the tyres. I asked them who is going to pay for it.They clearly said I have to pay for it. When I asked about the warranty, theirreply is - "warranty for tyres is only for 5000km. You must have come withinthat". That too Bajaj will not help. We have to directly approach the tyrecompany.
I said I have raised this issue within 3000kms. "No one informed me thatthe tyre has an issue. (it was a different service manager last year). So it isthe service mans mistake and hence Jai autos have to pay for it". But they strictly refused to do it.
Then I went and spoke with Bajaj head office chennai mr.Balakrishnan. Atlast he accepted to give the tyres at cost price. Then I changed the tyres.When I saw the bill I was shocked. They reduced only Rs.20 and they said thatis the price they can do as cost price.
I got angry and went to Jai autos owner and shouted that "I am not hereto BEG and I am not suffering without that Rs.20. Don’t you have a courtesy foryour customers (we have marketed to our friends about 27 vehicles in Jaiautos)". Then he reduced Rs.100.
SEE THE GOODWILL FOR THE BAJAJ CUSTOMERS. It is not the case in TVS. Ihad TVS-XL Super. They had changed even my engine after one year. They taketheir vehicles issues as their responsibility.
Feedback of new Tyres:
Excellent road grip. Now I could find the difference. Previously it wasfloating on the road and now I can feel that the tyre is touching the road. Itried all the ones which I felt was skidding. I tried deep curve, long curve, breakat 70Km/hr, break during rains, and break in sand, climbing roads across.
NO ISSUES. The front tyre is a MRF with striped design (EXCELLENT FORFRONT AND ROAD GRIP) and the back is a CEAT Secura Zapper.
At last my long time ROAD GRIP issue was closed.
I still have the mileage issue. Will give the updates once it is rectified.