I had bought the bike in the month of Sept. Well, I used to get a mileage of 63 before the first service.
But after the frist service mileage came down to 55......After second service, mileage - 48 to 50...
Dont really understand whats the reason behind the loss of mileage.
Another issue with my bike is that, when I try to open the throttle for a quick acceleration, I hear a hard knocking sound from the engine. Have no clue as to what it is. Or, if I try to ride up a slope with a pillion rider, this noise is quite loud....This problem has been there from the day, the bike was purchased.
I brought this noise issue to the Service guys, but they really couldnt figure it out.
Please could anyone of you let me know whats the reason for this sound as I am quite worried whether the engine is partially damaged.
Otherwise, Bike is good. The MAG wheels and the graphics are two features which sets the bike apart from its counterparts.
Pickup is not all that great...One of my friend told me to get the carbreuttor cleaned to improve mileage...Still got to do that...
Thats all...Signing off...