I bought a Bajaj DiscoverDTS-i 125cc ES and completed about 3000Km on that in Hyderabad city conditions. I found it above average and at times hyped. Surely a bike above its class in price and technology they offered... but guys they arent obtained completely.
My dad uses the bike pretty smoothless and always in the economy zone. The bike is used pretty well.
- Mileage is around 65KMPL to the given 90KMPL on paper. 4stars.
2.Pick up is OK, not bad. Okay taken that it gives 65KMPL over worst conditions. 4stars.
3.Technology.There seems to be problems when switched on to the non-fuel saving mode immediately. The bike seems not to adjust easily. Once corrected it was OK. .5 stars
4.Gearing is smooth and is pretty well. The small problem is the engine getting down almost instantly when in neutral. Otherwise, it is good. 4.5stars
Breaking is excellent guys. Beautiful. The bike is well balanced and is provinding excellent riding comfort. 5stars
Lights are pretty good. Powerful and clear. 5stars
I find its bare-body-frame not really appealing. Seems like a very common bike. Especially the colors.
- The bike is still quiet enough, certaily not as it was at the start. Not much of any maintenance problems. Service is excellent. The bike is solid. 4stars.
I will update my review often. This is the best bike in the 125cc segment if u can adjust with moderate looks or colors. But the best part is that it sopen-like frame gives it ease in remodelling to suit our style and look great.
The bikes released till now in this segment are no competition for this bike! almost!