Hi all,
Im writing a review after a long long time. Happy to catch up with u all. I have recently joined my job (s/w engg) in Pune and got the itch of buying a bike very very soon. So I started looking for a suitable bike. I landed up into the 125cc segment coz, I dont like 100cc seen-enough bikes without much to offer (except mileage though) and coz of my not-so-heavy (read slim) build. am just 5.5 and 55kg, so I ruled out the 150cc segment totally (i dont want to look like a monkey on a donkey while riding it). I had not so many but fair enough options. HH released SuperSplendor(SS), Yamaha Fazer, Bajaj Discover, TVS Victor. Read a lot of reviews and my roomie has a discover, so test rided it. Then I heard of glamour. On my visit to blore, saw it in forum. Let me tell u, didnt like the look and feel (my own perception). I though Fazer was better looking compared to the rest. Fazer also seemed cup-level interms of performance compared to the rest. I didnt want to risk it, so left it. SS is reaaal cuplevel when it came to looks and no-electric start, cost, .... Anyway I had the bettre-looking glamour if I wanted to buy it. So I started burning my brains abt which bike to buy. Finally I left Glamour coz of the looks and not-much-to-speak power. After some thought, left Victor coz it seemed very mature (jack of all, master of none). That left me with only Discover. I test rided it form the show-room and I was using my roomies bike now and again.
Now I decided on it and finally bought it. Before buying I read a lot of reviews and got what the bike can really offer and cant offer. Sorry for the lengthy intro but I will finish soon. I went for the alloy wheels+Electric start version. First I will tell u what I didnt like about it.
1) Headlight. As I told u I knew it before hand and was prepared for it. But even then I felt disappointed. It seems impossible to see on a rainy night and with the traffic opposite, forget it.
2) Gear box - Sometimes the gears get stuck and some times they make noise. Anyway no disappointment bcoz I knew it and it isnt that bad, just a occasional glitch
3) Weight - just abit heavy but nothing much really
4) No RPM meter- dont know why the new model dosent have it, anyway dosent matter much
Now ill tell u what I liked in this.
The pickup is really good. U can just soar into full speed in no time. The thing I liked most is the no-knocking-even-in-lower-speeds. This helps me in avoiding very frequent gear changes, improving mileage. In 4th gear, even at 20-25 it goes smoothly. The looks are also cool if not ravishing. I cant talk much about the mileage bcoz I have done just ~160kms on it. It comes around 50 acc to my calculation and is bound to increase. The most imp thing is they have changed the meter from red to white which makes for better visibility than the one with disc and no graphics. Coming to the much talked about SnS suspension. I dont find much difference in this aspect bcoz im not a hulk and I ride single mostly.
All in all, I think of it as a lion with a poor sight. I call it a lion coz it is very much the leader in the 125cc segment when it comes to the combo of power, mileage and cost and I say it dosent have good sight bcoz I cant see properly at night and the gear has some glitches.
Well, the problems I have told arent too much to bother coz they have a solution. Get some extra coil-windings and u have a very good headlight. gearbox , well ignore once-in-a-while glitches. Rest assured everything is gr8
To sum it all, I have enjoyed my bike very much (everyone does coz its his bike) till now. I dont expect problems to crop in coz my roomies bike dosent have any. I will say go for it, if u want to zoom. Or go for glamour if u want brand equity. I prefer the former.
P.S: Sorry for the very lengthy review. It had to be like this bcoz I wanted to write it like this. Drop ur comments on this ^_^