Hello! My name is Apoorva. I am from Mumbai.
I am using Bajaj Discover DTSi.
Now, the Bajaj company claims that Discover bike gives an average of 65kmpl. I am using this bike from 5 months and what I have learned is that what Bajaj is claiming of 65kmpl is far ahead then the average I am getting actually. I am getting an average between 48- 49 and is not crossing even 50kmpl.
Also, I found that this bike is not much smooth in riding when shifting gears. When I shift gear from 4th to 3rd, the bike gives a big jerk and same happens when I move gear from 3rd to 2nd.
Also, I am facing problems with gears from day one when I started using this bike. The gear is very hard to move from 1st to 2nd and from 2nd to Netural.
Now, who can find a bike on this earth with so many problems in it than Bajaj Discover.
Now about their service :
I had purchased this Discover bike from Project Automobiles located at Goregoan. Their service is not upto the mark. They dont have enough of manpower to get your work done quickly. I have to wait 10 - 15 mins for someone to attend my complains. Their are only 2 support staff over their to attend 10 to 12 customers complains. Also, they dont listen to you entirely when you are explaining your complains to them bcoz they are more eager to open the next persons job card and so on....
And on reaching Project Automobiles for servicing, they never come to you to ask for your problems, it is you who have to run after them to explain your problems.
Also, I had told them in both service that gear he not working smoothly and they got the job done in both service but of no use bcoz in 1 week or so, I faced same problems again. Then whats the use of Servicing the bike if it again has to get into fault?
Overall, Neither bike is good nor their service of BAJAJ.
So, my suggestion to you is,
If you are looking for smooth riding of gears, and looking for Mileage, dont go for Discover DTSi.
( apoorvasheth@yahoo.com )