There are a lots n lots of cons in this vehicle. Sporty look of discover of course attracts the customers and the low weight makes it easy to drive for every age group.
Ive been using a bajaj discover since 2013. Now let me tell the cons in this bike-
The backlight of the bike contains so low quality of material that the maximum no.s of discovers are seen with the tape on the backlight.
If you live in a metro city then you cant think about it but if u r in a village then also trippling is not possible as the shockers used can not afford this much of weight.
There is a cdei used in every bike to power up the engine while starting but I ve never seen a cdei getting fused in a bike but I had to face this problem in my discover.
The alloy wheels are said to never get twisted but both of the wheels of my bike had twisted coz of low quality of wheels but thanx to jaipur where u cant hv solution to any kind of problem.
The oil capping is too low that every time I get my bike serviced I hv to greecen up the capping so as to stop the oil leakage.
The self start doesnt work most of the time. I dunno why but the guy tells the ic used gets rusted.
Thats all.
Id prefer to go for this bike only if one can afford the maintenance cost.