Hi friends,
my height is 5.5 I have booked bajaj discover 125 st which is know to have a refined engine unlike bajaj though this time in pulsar NS 200 and Discover 125 st as a commuter segment both of them have a good and powerful engine and also for a economical price(not using the word cheap), becuase honda stunner and hero ignitor is for rs 70000 onroad mumbai price, and discover st 125 is for rs 63500 onroad , people say it doesnt has tubeless tyres so with the money you saved i.e. price difference of rs6500 you can purchase tyres or other accessories also, but people dont think about that . I also have hero honda cd100 1994 model still gives an average of 50km/liter after 18yrs and I wanted a power bike with also mileage point of view hence I went for discover 125 st, as cd100 was like riding a bycycle all these years but its a rough and tough gaadi friends, had thought of buying honda dream yuga or passion x pro but extremely costly rs 60000 and rs 61000 resp. and for just 2 to 3 thousand more I was getting more power, I know honda engines are great but its very costly they are selling their 110cc engines in the price of 125cc segment and 125cc bikes in 150cc segments and 150cc bikes as if its a super bike, but though the cost you cant ignore low maintenance and muscle bike HUNK, and the karismatic CBZ Extreme and every UNICORN all of this have the same 150cc engine shared, I wanted to buy a UNICORN since 4yrs but I have lot of financial issues so I was satisfied with the 125ST, thanks bajaj for making such a bike in such an economical range so people like me can fulfill their dreams,
will post more after riding the bike and let you know about the speed, mileage, maintainance and handling and etc thanks for readin
review after 1650kms,
Awesome is just the word, let me tell you a secret about this 4valve stuff:
bajaj discover 125st has a 4valve engine still giving mileage of 60kmpl and has top speed of 110km/hr and I ride constantly at the speed of 80 -90km/hr without any engine issue and other bikes which have 4valve engine are honda cbr150 for 1.3lakhs and honda cbr250 for some 2laks and yamaha r15 150cc bike which is for 1.14 lakh and I got a 4 valve engine for 63000rs thanks bajaj(all bajaj bikes are not crap and all honda bikes are good), honda is looting their customers honda dream should be for rs50000 but they are charging as it its a 125cc bike, coming to my bikes review
I am getting a mileage of 60kms when I ride 40-50km/hr if you too much throttle for no reason mileage will drop in any bike, awesome pickup feels like riding a 150cc bike like old apache 150cc, pulsar 150cc, Once my idiotic friend took the bike I sat as a pillion and he rode at the speed of 60kms at the 3rd gear and my bike engine was making sound as its an apache bike roaring sound I got afraid that my engine got damaged but he said I m trying to open the engines potential to givemore speed (i know this stuff is crapt or dont know man I m a new biker) since then my bike has become really smooth at the speed of 40-50 as earlier it wasnt smooth at this speed as its a new engine, I am 90kg myself and I feel comfortable on this bike and when I sit pillion with my bro who is 95kg we both are gym freaks so total weight of 185kg but the bike gets good pickup at that weight also and can get the same speed though mileage will drop obviously, I mean this bike not an ordinary 4stroke bike , because of its 4valve engine it somewhat gives power of 2stroke engine, but still some people go for honda dream yuga, passion xpro which comes at the same price of discover 125st but with 110 cc engine I think they are being made fraud by honda by charging so much for 110cc engine , I laugh when people say should I go for discover 125cc or dream yuga, man look the power difference .
well if you want to buy a new bike in low budget I will tell you which bikes you can go for :
top bikes in econimical prices are, honda shine, bajaj discover 125st, honda stunner(little costlier but a good bike), suzuki hayate , discover 150cc(which sells in the price range of 125cc bikes), tvs phoenix,
in high price range: cbz extreme(can give you mileage of more than 50 has tweaked unicorns engine), hero hunk, the best 150cc bike Suzuki GS150(the only reason this bike is not so popular in india is because its only for people who are more than 5.9feet or more because of its weight and seat height) and then comes Unicorn,
Never ever go for Pulsars its an accident prone bike the weight proportion is uneven and no centre of gravity, most of my friends having pulsars have broken legs, dislocated shoulders from accidents, its a curse
I m giving you the above feedback as I spend most of the time with mechanics and they are the people who know the real fact of every 2 wheelers which internet cannot tell you .
chal bye.