I purchased my first bike as Bajaj Discover 135CC DTSi engine on 03 April 2009 from Bikaner Rajasthan. I was very passionate about bikes at that time. I was confused between Hero Honda Glamour and Bajaj Discover. At last I decided to go for Discover. The price of bike was Rs 45000 only. Total price I paid for on road bike was Rs 55000. At that time on January 2009 model, there were no disc brakes but self start was there. So I got self start feature only. On July 2009 model, they started giving front wheel disc with same price. I got disappointed, but its okay.
This was my luck not to avail the facility of disc brakes. The pickup of bike is awesome. After these many years, almost after 7 years of purchase, the pickup is same as of a new bike. I love the bike because of its low maintenance. Initially I used to go to Bajaj service center for routine servicing. After 8 th paid servicing, I am not using authorized service station for servicing because warranty period of bike is crossed. Now a days after every six months, I am just changing the engine lub oil and cleaning the air filter only as a part of maintenance.
The mileage it is delivering is 45 - 50 km/l which is very nice for an 135 cc engine. Now a days the model 135 cc is fully extinct from market. I suggest Bajaj to relaunch the model with its old look with inbuilt joint triangular front indicators pointing towards front. Thank you