Discover 150S is not a bad bike at all. But it is not a good bike either. It belongs to the executive commuter category, which is dominated by Honda Unicorn. It is cheapest among the class and offer good mileage. But the issue is Discover 150S is a low selling bike. Bajaj messed up the discover series when they introduced many models. If they stuck with only 125cc discover only, it would have sold in better numbers. If you look at the sale charts you can find that only 1 unit has been sold in the may to july in 2016. That is really bad. If anyone buys a Discover 150S and Bajaj decides to discontinue this bike, then it is going to be a very difficult situation. Spare parts availability will be a problem. So it is best to avoid this bike, even though it is a good one. Alternatives for this bike is Unicorn 150 & 160 which are expensive, Yamaha SZ and the new Hero Achiever. Bajaj V15 is another alternative.