I bought 2 Bajaj geysers in 2010. Since then it has been a litany of woes whereby they take turns in breaking down. The geysers broke down twice in 2011, three times in 2012 and I have already had to raise complaint tickets twice in 2013 (I havent kept the details for 2010).
Earlier at least the customer service was prompt, but lately it has taken a real turn for the worse. Their promise is to get in touch with you within 2 days of reporting a complaint, but it takes multiple follow-ups if you even manage to get them to call you within 5 days. As for fixing the problems, the last time they couldnt (or wouldnt) fix it within 10 days after which they closed the complaint because I had to travel outstation.
Escalations are pointless because you are provided the contact details of their manager, whos sole assistance is to provide you with the number of their local customer service outlet where no one picks up the phone. Even by Bangalore standards (where poor service is nothing unusual), Bajaj service has become really shoddy.
I live an an apartment complex, but I seem to be the only one facing recurrent issues with my geysers so I doubt if this can be blamed on water quality of my neighborhood. Strongly recommend avoiding Bajaj water heaters till they fix their quality and service issues.