I have taken and closed 4 personal loans until date and never had any issues until I closed a loan from bajaj finance.
2 days back I visited the bank office on residency road, Bangalore to learn that the loan closure charges have been changed from 0% to 4%. Now this was a surprise to me because I had choosen bajaj only for this feature. Next I was told by the cashier to revisit next week else pay the extra charges now. I called the call centre and asked for help which was of no use.
Left with no options I started arguing and making a scene which attracted other such suffers to join me. After 30 mins, finally they agreed to waiver my closing charges. Now I wonder how much profit these companies make out of innocent customers. They only take you seriously if you are ready for a fight else you are just forced to bite the bullet.
I decided never to trust bajaj finance again.