I just got this product less than a week ago. My primary use was to knead dough, chop onions, grate carrots that too for only 1 meal a day. It ran like magic on softer products like tomatoes, atta dough etc. But carrots it couldnt handle.
Believe it or not, it gave way in 2 days flat! Inspite of its presumably "600W" motor, overload protector and what not that the product claims to have, its main part - the gears which turn the chopper blades are made of plastic! Much to my horror when the technician arrived, he pulled out a plastic gear broken into 2 pieces.
I bought this item so that my kitchen chores could be eased out - now, inspite of spending so much money and getting swayed by the Bajaj Guarantee of 5 years, all I got in return is misery. Daily calls to customer care, explaining the same story to multiple "superiors" nobody seems to have the power to give me a resolution - which in this case, is to give me a replacement new product which has real metal gears, not those ultra delicate plastic ones which couldnt even handle simple carrot grating.
Would not recommend this product at all. Infact, a strong advise to others is to find out what the inside parts are made of. Guarantee is fine, but when it is coupled with a very bad customer care, all you end up doing is making multiple calls to so many people none of whom can solve your problem.