One Bajaj Induction Cooker(IC)was purchased through Rediff online.There channel partner RK Traders supplied it through Courier.The parcel was in tact.When the product was unwrapped a few screws were loose inside and making noise. On further testing loud noise of cooling fan was heard.It was taken to the service centre as instructed by the supplier.
After a couple of weeks repaired IC was collected.When heating began for soup the stove shows error message. A close checking of the product reveals that it is a Chinese make and no inspection seems to have carried out by Bajaj Electrical who brands it.The booklets made available are also of no value to the user. Now I am awaiting replacement as per warranty for the past 3 months.The channel partner wanted rejected IC to be returned to them at the buyers cost.
Rediffshopping terms are not specifying this. Bajaj Electricals Ltd are not responding to the emails. Any customer would expect the supplier to replace the defective one and collect back the rejected piece without giving hing him further hassles.
Otherwise online shopping has no meaning.