This scooter has a serious starting problem. It has a tiny battery, which has to supply power to the starter-motor as well as a fuel pump. Yes. It has to turn-ON an electrical fuel pump due to the front mounted petrol tank. All other scooters out there use a gravity flow system. The battery is not designed to withstand the kind of load. That menas, If the battery is down, you cant get this scooter started at all. The sad part is that the battery is getting drained very often.
I have a scooter which has done just 200Km, but I miserably fail to get it started every morning. The customer support guys have taken it 4 times for repair. They claim that the scooter had been upgraded with a higher capacity battery. I still could not get the engine started so far.!
If you are a fitness-freak who wants to build-up your thigh muscles, go for it. You can as well get this scooter started after a few hundred kicks.