I am Subodh, I purchased it in October 2006 for Rs.41000.Now the price went down. I was having Bajaj Boxer which I sold it and bought this. While driving boxer I found that the bike should be heavy to drive on Highways. Otherwise it shakes and looses line when a heavy vehicle pass besides you.
I opted platina mainly for Low cost, Alloy wheel, nice looks and somewhat heavy than boxer.
I love alloy wheel because I found so much problems in spoke wheel (when I was using Boxer). I used to align spokes once in a 3 months but when the wheel gets OUT it is impossible to align well, and there the problem is. With the wheel out you cannot drive bike properly, even you do not have control on bike. So I advise always go for alloy wheel.
Platina goes smooth & nice upto speed of 60km. Does not make any noise. If you do not go beyond that u will get milage of around 65-70kmpl. I drove it upto speed of 70km but it gets uncontrolled after that. I think no other 100cc bike will drive properly beyond 70km.
I opted grey color which looks very nice. Dual Shock absorbers are good but I love shock absorbers of Pulser. I saw when pulser runs on bad roads the driver didnt get any vibration. Platinas shock absorbers are also good, gives less vibrations when 2 persons are travelling (when weight is high ).
Head lamps are also good and wide.
Do write comments on my review. This is my first review.