=I bought Bajaj Platina in September 2006 with the sole temptation of the mileage offered, I love to go places and I thought a bike with a good mileage will help me cut down on the fuel bills. Till date this bike has not disappointed me. I ve done 43, 000 kms till date, averaging 2, 150 kms per month.
The only problems faced so far were with the speedometer cable (inner ) which snapped twice so far, well it has to be oiled regularly. In the monsoon mud gets into the speedo drive in the front wheel which is the culprit. And the second problem was the front wheel bearing set which I replaced .
Ok now a few of the basics that one needs to know about this bike:
• Pleasse keep in mind that the Platina is a slightly delicate bike so no overloading.
• Its light weight and quite fit to go cross country, I ve been places and it literally jumps like a frog.
• "Run In Period" (refer user manual) has to be strictly followed to get the performance.
• Platina is very sensitive to fuel, Im not promoting any branded fuel but have found that it gives the best mileage with Indian Oils Extrapremium Petrol (80 to 85 km per litre) The second Best is Speed (strictly 75 km per litre) and with Power it varies like the day and night temperature of Pune. The maximum mileage Ive got is with Extrapremium (89 km per litre [ average of 3 readings in 3 fills]), The lowest Ive got is 58 km per litre with ordinary fuel filled on some shady petrol pump on a highway (quite likely he could have conned me for the quantity) All this at steady speeds of 40-50 Kmph with a Single Rider, At top speed it will not give any more than 63 Km per litre. Double seat youll lose a few more kilometers on the mileage
• I get a maximum speed of 103 Kms per hour (Now maybe the speedometer is not accurate specially when oficially according to the manual it is 93 Kms per hour) on a flat Tar Road, On a Concrete Road it just touches the 100 Kmph mark, ALL THIS WITH PREMIUM PETROL AND 5% OF 2T OIL ADDED TO THE PETROL. No manufacturer recommends addition of oil to petrol in a 4 stroke engine but I do it for extra lubrication and it acts as a coolant too (Try it, it works!)
• Tall Claims one may say but on reasonable downhill slope the bike will touch 115 Kmph and still be steady, thanks to the die cast wheels, Im sure with spoked wheels it wont be possible as the bike would wobble.
• One very important thing for those who want to use this bike for long distances. Oil the chain regularly with SAE 190 oil, its a very viscous oil and you ll need a discarded toothbrush to oil the chain with it. The chain is the most neglected part in the bike and most garages oil it with used oil from the gearbox this is of no use as the chain heates up fast and thin oil gets thinner with heat and is thrown of with the centrifugal force hence the thick oil, if not grease.
• The longest I ve rode in one day is from Yavatmal to Pune via Parbhani a distance of 744 Kms. Started at 10.00 in the morning and reached Pune at 3 hours after midnight -Absolutely no trouble.
• These are my recommendations all other you can follow from the manual. Happy Riding