This is regarding the Platina. Previously, 5 years back I used Boxer CT, whch made me to bye this Bike one and half years back.
But really and frankly speaking this is a worst, waste bike, I have ever seen. With in one month I had to change Clutch plates, 3 months- Horn, one year-Battery, and now the metal rod which lies sorrounding the seat back side. The mileage is 66 km/lit. Bike Stops at many movements at running and suddenly slows down for which the plug was also changed, but no use.
Previuosly I used Suzuki-Victor also which was a good bike. I requst the Bajaj people to not to mislead the cusyomers and not to underestimate the middle class people. One more thing, I and We dont know, why these Bajaj people use to change their models frequently which make the customer to feel depression by buying one model after seeing the new model with in days of time.