After an intensive research inthe 100 CC segment I had to opt for Bajaj Platina. Why you’ll find it later.The great contenders included some models from TVS, Hero Honda, LML which mayeven fall in the 125 CC class but I had to choose a cool bike with greatmileage. As the advertisement states it has killer looks and the style with 108KMPL fuel efficiency. It states 108 KMPL but currently in the first month hasgiven only 50-60 KMPL, it was stated by the company that it will give only upto55 KMPL before the first servicing. I have rode 600 KMs in about a month, Ireally want to witness how it performs overtime.
Thekiller looks include premium alloy wheels, matt finished black silencer, sportyconsole, sleek chrome graphics, graphite tinted engine and transmission andchrome streaked side panels. With the new exhaus-TEC engine it is bound toperform well. The SNS suspension does give you a great riding pleasure. Thehandling and braking is very good in this brand new stage but it will be testedas the time passes. From almost all angles the bike resembles Wind 125 but hasno self start like the Discover. It does make heads turn but if it had a selfstart it would have been a complete bike. I assume it’s built on the oldcaliber engine which has power for sure but does make the irritating gear shiftsounds.
Witha tank capacity of 13 liters I’m freed from going to the petrol pump almostevery alternate day as I used to ride the Hero Honda Street Smart with tankcapacity of just 3.5 liters I suppose. It has a mild sound not like the boldsounds of the Hero Honda model’s but doesn’t lack the always needed pickup andspeed. The first gear is very powerful, but again clutch balance is what Ididn’t learn easily on this machine.
Smallthings to consider, the rubber pad on foot brake is a very good small additionthat caught my attention. The ride control on/off does work, it can be used toshift from economy and power mode formidably. The leg guard is very primitiveso it had to be upgraded. Again the gear shifting makes lots of noise, thechain cover also emits unneeded noise. The gear shifting lever is pushedinside, which leads to the plastic styling being scratched by the shoes whengears are changed. The kick is regular L shaped which is easy to kick ratherthat the C shaped kick we find in Discover, but it should not affect asdiscover has self start. The side lamps as of all the Bajaj models are overstretched, looks very good but is prone to breakage. Tyres have no such defecttill date; the ride experience on the whole is a good one. Reading above paragraph you might think Iregret the decision of buying this baby, but not I’m a very good critic aspeople say. The price of one lakh two thousand Nepali currency (equate to Rs.63750 IC, which you people can get in a lot cheaper now at Rs 34000 IC, itsvery expensive here in Kathmandu, Nepal because of all the taxes) is well setfor this motorbike. I love the alloy wheels and the bike’s performance even inbusy roads. The bike has good speed when it comes to riding in the open roads.I have traveled around 60 KMs in a single day but the bike showed no sighs ofslowing down which I liked, I know it is also because it is new. Battery is also performing standard though I have putthis bike under the rain few times but it hasn’t given any trouble. The sidelamps switch is hip to operate, the key cover in ignition and fuel tank islogical. The oil indictor under the engine is a feature that is unique to thismodel. The horn also sound ok, it is not too sharp and irritating like that ofthe Pulsar or Discover.
Overallthe bike has no such features like self start, disc brakes but for a bikepriced right with 108 KMPL it is the best option you can get in the market.
Geshan Manandhar