I have use this bike from last 7 year. It a good bike for middle class family according to its price and mileage. And it is more suitable for on job person to daily traveling, office to home and home to office. Seat of this bike is long as compare to other bike four people very easily travail.
This motorcycle is too comfortable to ride. Rider can not fell disturbance during riding. And its height is four inch more than other bike and its weight is less than other bikes. So, very easy to make the balance on this bike. And in new bikes every latest technology is available in these bikes like that slip start.
Bajaj Motorcycles are very reliable. Its engine is too good if we have give the service time to time then its working goes to very long time.
Road Grip of this bike is not bad. This Motorcycle is good for long drive. Because of its comfort zone and road grip. Two person easily seat and enjoy the long drive. Its seat is also long than other bike.
Appeal is also good. If you are belong to a middle class family or you are a job holder then this bike is too good to daily travel. Because of its mileage and Its Design.