My parents recently got me this bike, and my happiness knew no bounds. I have a lot of friends who own the same model of pulsar, so I got tempted to have a one of my own.
I am not joking when I say this, every ride is an adventure with this bike.
The smoothness with which it transcends, just like no other.
I dont even need to fuel it up that often. Just keep the engine running smoothly, and it gives a mileage of about 50-53 kilometers per liter, and that too in most terrains.
Now for the comfort part, the shock absorbers do their job perfectly, same for the seat. They have designed this bike keeping every age-generation in mind. I havent till date found whatsoever problem that interferes with my enjoyment and comfort during bike rides.
As for its reliability, you can count on it. The tyres are robust and the build quality just fine, so I never face any problems. You name it - Engine start, gear change, minimal engine noise, steering, everything is fluidic and non-problematic.
Do I even need to say about the looks of this bike. I mean Cmon it looks like a racing model in itself and yet is optimal for the daily customer. The alloy wheels and the elevated back seat, the headlights, tailights, disc brakes, handle, everything just so Awesome.
No Doubt it is the best selling bike in India.