December 2004 I happened to walk into a bajaj showroom and bought myself the pulsar 150 dtsi. An uncommon color purple D. Since then I have been riding this bike which is now a part of me. During all these years be it rain or sunsine, summer or winter this bike would never say STOP.
Top speed I have achieved 117 km/hr.(noida dnd toll)
Mileage: Inside city 55 kms/lts highway 58 - 60 kms/lts.
What all have changed in these years:
2 set of headlight glass
1 set of oil seal and once got the oil changed for front shockabsorbers. and stretched rear shockers
2 set of speedo meter cable.
2 Headlights
1 set of horns / 2 batteries
2 set of tyres, recently changed..last tyre on the brink of collapse, applied brakes and the rear tyre bursted.
4-5 cluth wire / 1 cluth lever. 1 leg guard
2 set of chain socket, 2 set of clutch. 2 piston,
4-5 set of front and rear brake shoes.
2 seat covers, 1 set of front foot rest. 1 set of tank lock
Pros of this Bike
one tough son of a b*tch
have seen bullet sweating in Rishikesh and my bike just wont stop.
Trips I have completed without any trouble
2 from Noida to Lucknow
1 from Noida to agra
1 from Noida to Jaipur
1 from Noida to Rishikesh
1 from Noida to mathura
1 from Noida to nanital
Looking foward to Ladhak in summer of 2013 and every week 5 days from noida to gurgaon.
The speedo meter now reads 26K which means I have compeleted 1, 26000.00km with this bike.
Exceptional handling or maybe I have become habitual or maybe the way I have adjusted my handle bar.
Good front disc brakes with rear drum brakes
Simple engineering which means local mechanics can do the full servicing and they are easily available.
Parts are easily available and are not costly as comparee to the hondas the yamahas or the new pulsars.
Styling is no outdated still looks aggressive and truely a male.
Recognized and trusted by the masses.
Long journey can be a big pain in the a** unless you get your seat adjusted with some extra foam for both you and the pillon rider.
Headligh is ineffective at night even if you have a tvs mopped coming at you .. got it modified using avy 180 coil plate and osram night breaker..pisses even the car drivers comig from opposite diretion :-).
If you have water logged and it hits under your tank the engine will die.. remove the tank and dry the cdri .. have faced twice.... now got it covered and sezied.
Tank lock cannot stop the rain water from getting in so if the water escape hole in the tank is choked water can mix with petrol.
Choke lever gets jammed quite often though I regularly oil it once a week.
Whatever maybe the cons my friends bought honda cbz and suzuki victor and samurai during that time those bikes have been sold to kawadi wala secondhand market would not pay them more then 8k.
Or this maybe the best batch of plusar from the bajaj plant I dont know but this bike from Dec 2004 has been amazing....
So why I have not upgraded...I was looking to upgrade to KTM duke but the bajaj outlet would not offer above 6 k for this bike so I thought to hell with KTM duke, hondas, yamhas I will drive my plusar like even they run for their money and this bike seriously is giving them a run for their money.....