The gear system is too bad!** The gears are hard to change and you need to struggle to reach neutral. But the worst is here....... The gear used to slip from 5th to 4th for which I complained at the service center. They claimed to have fixed it never got fixed even after consecutive services. Finally, they changed the gear shifter for Rs 200/- although i was covered under the warranty. The gear did not slip only for a few days. The gear still slips and I will need to contact the service center again.......
This issue could lead to a fatal accident for which Bajaj would be responsible.........
If anybody else also has this isue please increase the awareness........
The bike looks Kool and Youthful.
The fuel efficiency is also OK with the Power.
I had needed to change the speedometer cable as it wore out.
Starting is OK except that many times in neutral it does not start without clutch