Wroooommmmm................ (((stop))) ....
Before you read.
Life is more precious then joy-ride.
Destination is not always far.. but to reach earlier will take you farthest.
Dont wear clothes! if u cannot wear helmet and ride.
Devil is on loose when horn and brakes are broken.
Pray for almighty before u ride on bike. (kal ho na ho...)
Two- legged homo-sapien on two-wheeled Monster.... Who cares... m excited with adventures.
Aphetically I lived in my school days.. till I discovered my darker side... with all the jhool zhaal I brought a new bike.. unaware was my family. it was Pulsar
Speed 120 + (ask me to show you)
average 35~40 (dont ask me it varies)
control (depends on me)
brakes (good)
Gear Box (shit)
mainteannce (good)
accessories (hm.. cheaper)
Every weekend me and our friends go Wrooom...... crusading the traffic , the balancing act on the divider... the Tenga to traffic havlaldars... no stop on signals.... the burning tires, the zig-zag ride....the 360 degree charcoal, the soft turn vanilla the long turn .... UFFFFFFFFffffffffffff.f.. Sab-ke Naak mein DUM......
Pulsar kicks some good as* of bikes in the same category....
Mine is called the Cutting edge..... its a shark on the road... a bike with... shark on its tank... tail can be seen from behind.... it dives in the traffic and jumps out ..Total FLIMY isnt it?
When my back seat is occupied by my GF I follow the rules written above.
I Miss these
Enuff said.....
if u enjoy y need to think SO much go ahead and buy something that will bring adventure in Ur life...
Pulsar is good but frankly if I had Money I would have brought a Suzuki Hayabusa.. or Ducati....
Life is precious... enjoy it safely...
-Panga! na Liyo...