I recently purchased the Pulsar 180 speed lines model, I had a test drive of the same and felt like I am riding a beast with its amazing pick up and meaner looks. I had done a lot of research, compared about 6 bikes they were:
Apache rtr 180
Pulsar 150
Honda Unicorn
Yamaha Fazer
Yamaha FZ S
Yamaha FZ 16.
I ruled out Yamaha bcz all the engines(FZ S, FZ 16, Fazer) were same only looks were different, the price was high, maintenance was too high, mileage was down, power was low, comfort factor was zero and apart from tyres the body was plastic fibre crap. Very low mileage by any 150-160 bike.
I ruled out Honda Unicorn & Dazzler because:
waiting period, high cost, maintenance high, unavailability of parts, out dated looks with no digital parts. Only good thing in this bike is Honda engine and trust which u can also get in Bajaj & HH.
The next was Apache RTR 180 this bike was the closest model to P180:
Good points: Very high pick up
Engine has incredible power
it runs like mean machine
a very small/compact bike
no style statement
low mileage
Apache 160, 180 & F1 looks the same apart from graphics.
Vibrates like hell, you cant call this a sports bike
Pulsar 150 was the best amongst the 150 segment bikes it also has unbelivable power & pick up in this segment.
Pros: Good pick up, power, performance bike
Style is great
Family bike
Cons: A very common bike u can say popular
upgrade needed
Pulsar 180 was the chosen one because just when u sit on the bike and push the ignition button the power makes you feel you are on a machine which is ready to go anywhere, on road and off road. The pick up is incredible with a touch of style and stability. the riding posture is very comfortable, even the pillion seat is comfortable for the pillion rider and long drives are made easy.
Pros: Unmatched power & pick up
split seats
comfortable riding position
better mileage by any 180 bike (45-50) which is not even given by 150 cc bikes
meaner looks
the new speed lines model makes this bike unique in colour and stands out in the crowd.
Low on maintenance
Style Split grab rails
Full black parts with chrome engine. Blue Black color is recommended
Tubeless tyres
Low Fuel, Battery indicators
Self cancelling indicators
Wider rear tyres for greater stability
No vibrations at higher speeds
Saree guard is not that good for women sitting one sided, u cant take ur mom out but you can very well manage it if you change it.
looks are common (150- 180) that dosnt matter as when you ride it you can very well understand the difference.
In the end I would like to say Pulsar 180 is a complete package what you ever wanted (Style, Power, Performance, Average) which is delivered at a minimal cost when you compare it with other bikes.
You must have heard that Next Gen Pulsars are to be launched, dont be under this impression that those would be better than existing Pulsars as after having a spy look at them I feel this choice was better and I can keep this bike as the last and best edition of epic PULSARS.
Some companies say we have the best Sports bikes, I say throw away those and purchase this as the top speed is 120+ with no single vibration
0-100 in jus seconds, pierces through the wind
So guys dont give a second thought for this mean machine go and grab it today!!
With this bike, I can truly say I am Distinctly Ahead of other disgusting bikes....