Hi to all
i m a newbie on mouthshut. this is my first review.
i recently read a review on karizma (by chakrbir). I checked comments section and saw 5-6 people debating on the topic that which has better pickup pulsar 180 or karizma.
hey I know the correct ans.
i own a pulsar 180 dtsi (1st dtsi without mag wheel)
whats more? we are a group (GANG) of 5 friends with 3 having karizma and 2 owning the pulsar dtsi (1st dtsi without magwheels and 16 bhp) including me.
so I think here I knows the best about this debate.
but I would like to include all the points.
karizma 8/10 pulsar 6/10
the pulsar is a gr8 looking bike but not a match in front of big, huge karizma.
moreover no one notices the pulsar on the road but evryone gives karizma a huge attention. and why shouldnt they the 180 and 150 look identical. also pulsar 180 has very low sale fig. the karizma is selling in good no.s
karizma 8.5/10 pulsar 7/10
the karizma is very very good handler.the pulsar is also a very good handler but karizma is better. on highway on pulsar u will feel the speed but on karizma nothing is felt.(till 125 kmph speedometer) in city again the karizma scores a lot more and pulsar losing due to front weighing more. if the traffic is too much than pulsar is better as karizma fairing needs attention.
fuel efficiency
karizma 5/10 pulsar 7/10
both pulsars we have gives 42-43 kmpl and the karizma returns 35-36 kmpl.
hard driving pulsar 35-36 kmpl karizma 30-31 kmpl.
now comes the main reason of writing review thats pickup (power delievery)
i will divide these section into three pts.
way of power delievery
karizma 8/10 pulsar 6/10
the karizma is very refined and pulsar is lacking refinement.
so its pleasent to drive karizma hard and fast but pulsar on the other hand becomes harsh.
the gears of pulsar is a big thing to fear. the karizma has a better much better gear box.
pick up
karizma 8/10 pulsar 7/10
the karizma has better pickup and no way the pulsar can beat it.
5 people and all possible combinations of riders and u will see the karizma wining.
i read overdrive and thought that the pulsar is better but never realised that overdrive is bajajs puppet.
top speed.
karizma 7/10 pulsar 6.5/10
the actual topspeed is somthing I cant say as due to speedometer error all bikes show diff. speeds. pulsar have more speedometer error than karizma . my pulsar shows upto 140 kmph.
any way the karizma has better( slighty better) max speed than pulsar
dont be fooled by overdrive saying 128 kmph max speed of pulsar and 125 for karizma.
why I bought a pulsar?(and ny friend too)
blame this on overdrive.
pulsar is a good 180cc bike but a 180 cc bike.
it cannot be compared to karizma.
like another review says (on karizma by chakbir) the 223 cc pulsar will definatly leave karizma behind way behind.
but not this pulsar. if any one says that pulsar is better than Karizma than he is wrong.
if u compare pulsar180 and karizma ------- than its karizma
if u want a 180 cc bike not competiting with karizma------ than offcourse pulsar 180.