My brother in the last four years in the river LHaving firm Pulsar 180 Dtsi Many Times Drove His bike. Its Pikkup target funds OK but my access under 125 Huss were better today Pikkup 180. Bike is comfortable Bt shoulder pain starts after riding 1 hr continuously ND in traffic bike feels a bit heavy Bt its manageable. Yes Delivers One plus point of this bike is a good mileage under chunking.
IT GIVES Almost 40-48 Kanpl these cities in High River Vez fifty-five Kanpl around. Better Options Suggest this week Apache will butt Rutter Pulsar 180 180. Yes mileage figure is little low of apache as compared to pulsar Bt thrs a slight difference NT much more because pickup ND power of apache is better then pulsar yes vibrations are mst common in apache proper Service of managing IT B were Btukan bike. Its deputy, if Elsa All Guys;