Pulsar 200 - An Rocking Machine - But it has some Anticipating issues.
My Close friend bought this before 8months.
It costed on road for about nearly 79, 000.
Fully Black theme - excellent looks.
But one thing to say this bike can be manageble for the ones who know to ride any Heavy Bike Comfortably.
It is Heavily Weighted 152KG and can cause serious damage in case of accidents.
It gave an Fuel Efficiency of about 40-45 KMPL.
Max Speed We achieved with an Pillion was about 116KMPH.
Issues We faced with this Bike :
1 - The Front Shocks Broken at the nest month we bought it - the service center changed it for free - as there was no mistake with us.
2 - The Back L.E.D. Line Light Stopped glowing as only on line three lights were Burning.It costed about 800 for us to change as the whole serial lights needs to be changed.
3 - The next was the SILENCER - Which is Bigger and extends the Breadth of the bike.
A Sulphate filament was formed in SIlencer - where the Servcice center asked to change the same saying that the Fuel used in the Bike is not good - it costed aroung 3, 500 to change it.
4 - The next Bad thing was the Bikes was Pulled down in an Parking in Mahabalipuram.
The bike fell down Left - side we came after going to beach and saw the bike in an peculiar condition. It was an Strange thing as the Gear Shifting mechanism and the Foot rest Went Broken. and Disc was Scattered. we were even unable to start the bike.
We managed to Bring the Bike to an nearby Mechanic shop.
Mechanic Said He dont know anything about Pulsar - and said he cant do anything.
The nearby service centre was about 13 KM away - which is supposed to closed on SUNDAY.
We were in an UNKNOWN position to what to do.
Then the Mechanic gave as an option as he remove an Gear Shifter from an Suzuki MAX Bike and fitted it in our 200. But for the Foot rest he said no option/
We managed to ride the bike all the way with that Gear shift to Chennai Main about 78KM.
This shows how poor the manufacturing of the Bike is
It is an 152KG Heavy weight - the bike was in an position where the Bumper loosened out and the whole Gear shifter was Crushed down due to the weight of the Bike and the Aluminium Holder that holds it.
For an Heavy weight like this the parts should have been made of Good quality and for this the Service centre gathere another 7000 price tag for changing this.
For any issues we have to search for service centres - this is an major concern.
If it had been an issues with the same in an old Bikes such as Victor or Splendour - the mechanic said it is an matter of time to repair it and also costs lower then 500 RS.
So If you are and Rich person and City rider then it is a Bike for you.
As It is an Bike for Rich.
But for other things to be concerned - it is good - Pickup - Efficiency.
Conclusion :
Technology is all about Fashion and Looks - and Quality is not an expected one.