Well I bought pulsar 200 about 9, 10 months ago. So far it is a good bike, need some extra care & regular check. The reason being, it is not provided by kick start mechanism, only self start is there.. So Im facing some problem in starting nowadays due to winter season, in the morning.
The second thing, it will consume more battery power due to dependence on self start only, so battery should be charged enough to provide self start .& Im facing this problem also now.
I think battery needs sum charging. That was the issues which Im facing these days but overall its not a wrong option to buy this bike. Im getting mileage of 50-60 kmpl with this. In my opinion this bike needs only periodic services & checks. And yes I did not mention above dat this bike also has a very less turning radius. Those who are driving pulsar 180 they may know about dis..but dose who are driving bikes like platina, splendor etc they may seems dis a bit uncomfortable, however after a week u will use 2 it and there will be no problem