Its a v reliabl bik... I had heard al sorts of crappy reasons about its starting probz n al...
I`ll tel u smthin..
My bik touch`d t 1000km mark in jus 18 days... On t 22nd dy I took it on a trip 2 ooty frm bangalore...
1) no starting probs even at 6*C .
2) even ven t bik had no complet`d 1500kms.. I took it up2 121 kms/hr.. No probz at al..
3) I alwayz brake hard using my disc`s.. 2 b truthful.. I`ve nev felt more confident braking on any other bik..
4) even if I throttl it 2 regular 90-100 speeds.. Even under 30 speeds in b`lore traffic.. Tis bik returnz a healthy milage of 39-40km/l . Vich I considr good by any standards!!!
P.s. Whil crusin on t new high way to t international airport @ 3:20 am , I hit an umarkd speed breker @ 90kms/hr wit a pillion.. T bik jus jump`d ovr it n continu`d... Its that planted... I wud nt trust any othr bik wit it..