I had a suzuki heat earlier and after a year with instability and poor performane, I compared all the four mftrers Honda, CBZ, TVS and the pulsar. Well for one I didnt go for the TVS RTR becos I found the front wheel size was 17 and the rear wheel was 18, further I understood after my ride that the top end was not so powerful when compared to the pulsar or the unicorn. Hence TVS stood disqualified. After that the unicorn was considered, ride quality was good becos of monoshock but I also read that the rear mono shock linkage used to break often tue to extreme pressure on bumpy uneven roads, further to that I read the HMSI service was very poor in india and spares were expensive although they were sourced from india itself.
Next the CBZ, I think this bike got a good vote from me as the chassis and the beefy swingarm won many points along with the smoother shifts and the engine, but the pulsar had always enamoured me as a product from bajaj and indian company, considering the fact that desi is best as spares are cheap. Hence I decided on the Pulsar. I went to khivraj about two weeks back and test drove the 180, the seating position was good, the bike handled well although the gearbox was a bit noisy and notchy, I thought the bike was good for the price as I got more power at 68k . The bike pulled effortlessly with the test executive behind me. As I pushed the bike around st.marks road turning, I found the engine roaring, the sound was nt that pleasant, of course one is not supposed to rev so much.
I decided next to drive the 200, the posture was slightly inclined but I was amazed to note that the gears shifted like butter . THe bike braked better and acceleration was superb, I had to live with the slight discomfort of inclined riding but still I found the rear tyre handled well and most non-linearities where I wud have fallen on any commuter werent experienced at all. The fork problems were all corrected and the forks were more sturdier now. It was a difficult decision as I had to shell down more moolah almost 78k in place of 68 k. But the khivraj people insisted that I go for the 180 as it had a chain cover and a kick starter, but somehow I felt the gearbox gave me nightmares, hence I decided for the 200. For the 10 k difference I got a air cooler(dunno if it helps really), broad tubeless tyres(again dunno if I get service for the punctures in bangalore), a thick beefy chain, and a really big thick swingarm, others including the unicorn simply pale in comparison.
I found the bike planted on the road during the test drive.
I took the delivery finally, I had told the executive that the teflon coating wasnt to be done, however I was surprised when they charged me 600 Rs. in spite of my instruction, well I refused to pay, but after two days I went and paid up, I didnt want any unwanted complication during my servicing.
Immediately after a day I found the gearbox oil heating up rather fast. But I simply loved the sound and the pickup. The pickup is devastating, within seconds it touches 75, however I am careful not to exceed the speed. I took it for a long drive to tumkur. I found the oil heated up but after a while remained at the same temperature and didnt exceed too much. I also found the bike returning an average of 45 provided I do within 60 kms/hr. I drove continuosly for three and half hours a distance of 140 kms. It was great feeling, the ride quality is great and the bike handled well throughout the distance. Overtaking is a breeze. Some pulsars 150 tried to compete, but it is no match as a twist of the throttle and they are a small speck in the rear mirror. The mirror quality is bad and the split seats are not so comfortable but the power and the grip is great u forget such small things. THe bike is heavy and if you are built it is good to ride it. One needs some strength to maneuver this bike. THe brakes specially the front are great as I braked hard at abt 75 kms, the stop was quick and instantaneous.
Being a long bike one has to be a little careful and finish the braking in advance before any turn . The rear brakes doesnt complement well and I think bajaj cud have used 140 drum or 150 drum on the rear, they have simply lifted the 180 wheel and put it on this. It slows down things but a little, the front does all the job, however the stopping is excellent. It is not so good on mud roads and one gets a feeling that the tyrea have punctured(still dunno what to do if it get punctured) . Thinking of putting tubes inside them. Well guys go ahead and buy this fantastic bike it is great and slow sedate at the same time mind blowing.
Everybody looks at this bike at all signal stops.
500 kms. Its now 673 kms and my first servic e today. The bike has been performing excelently as on date. My mileage figures have been up and at 46-48. Iam a sober rider and love the bike crusing at 50 kms/hr. Of course at signals am the first. or atleast I get out of bad situations fast. The service guys have changed the oil charged me 300 rs. Dunno the cost of oil per lit is 180+40(300 ml)=220 service tax upon that hmmm. they have applied some polish all over the vehicle and its shining black now. The washing is hmmm . ok a hurriedly done job with all the bikes crowding around. Well I gotta get it washed again. I will now change the oil to 20-50 after some 500 kms to do the rest 2k kms. I have noticed that the performance really improves. I had a chance to brake at the speed of 75, the bike did straight line braking
5000 kms: it is now 5k and the bike is simply perfect . I had lost those stickers and got it replaced, cost is rather high, I think abt 500 rs. The mileage is still 48-45 per litre . Got punctured recently, never saw the nail until on fine morning, I plugged it myself with the kit I bought. I have a foot pump purchased for 200rs. Got it fixed. REad somewere that mushroom plugs are to be used, going to khivraj today to find out if he s using the same plug or mushroom plug. I went on trip to Kolar, almost rode the bike 8 hrs non-stop, nut changed the oil to 20/50 before the trip. I understood the importance of the oil radiator in this trip where the oil heating never went up beyond a point. The bike was perfect throughout the trip and I got a high mileage too on this trip.
12000 kms: The bike is great . Still clocking 45-48 kms to a litre of petrol speed. Filled always in nagpals residency road. Recently I put in the semi-synthetic oil of motul. it is great . I decided to delay the servicing by 1000kms, as the bike feels good anyway. Moreover I change the oil every 1500 kms. Made many trips to tumkur and mysore no probs. Puncutre fixing is great. just 5 minutes. I will alwyas go for tubless tyres in future. It is so convenient. I take a foot pump on my drives out of town and also have the full puncutre kit with me. also take a set of clutch cables and accelerator cables. Memoirs of my enfield bullet.