For the people who have been complaining on this site and also the number of doomsday sayers who have found their reviews useful ... please dont buy the Pulsar 200 ...its not for you guys... you guys can sit and spread rumours... Pulsar 200 is a performance bike not a commuters bike.
Its for living on the edge and enjoying every second of it ....and not for mammas boys sitting and weighing the idea of safety without knowing a bout engineering...
Ask a man who knows his machine ...and you will get whacked over the head....
I live in Delhi...the bikes a sold out in in in I had to go all the way to Gurgaon get it....
I bought it from the same Krishna Sales which has been abused herein.... I found the sales and service pretty good.....
Remember the rumours about Pulsar150s tanks burstinig on high speed...or the story bout hte brakes not being powerful enough and statistics of road accidents on pulsars... in the beginning days.
I dont understand...why do assholes buy mean machines... there are splendours and tvs stars for all you commuters out there ..better still hail a cab or an auto...thats the best that is for you...
Bullets leak til ldate... yet its a fave all around...
Pulsar 200 is so tech sound I dont need to write it here....
All I want to say is that no other indian bike has ever ever touched this mark...\\\
The only fears I have is that of repair of tubeless tyres ( for which I plan to buy the diy omni kit worth Rs 600 available at all goodyear outlets)