Linear power delivery;
Bad tyres.
I own a 200 NS and has clocked 5000 km. I am 100% happy with my bike. Ive ridden R15, CBR150, 220, RTR180 and Karizma before. None of them were any better than NS. I rate Duke above NS though,
On road price was Rs.98, 473!! NAME ONE BIKE 200CC with 23.5 bhp power at this rate!!
Bajaj has a bad image of giving low quality products. It is somewhat true. Still, it is a lot better than TVS. Cost of spares are also less. People who didnt care about proper run will face problems with their bike no matter what in the future! This is what happened to the ones who complained about Nss reliability.
I hadnt crossed 60kmph during the first 1000 Km and I got a constant mileage of 55 kmpl the whole time! I am getting 45+ at 80-90kmph avg speed now!! Which bike can beat this figure??
About the cons---> Tyres are just crap! Exchange the stock ones with Pirelli or MRF RevZ and u r safe!!
Vibrations exist... But, it is bearable. I accept the fact that comfort levels dont match CBR250 or R15. Fuel tank shows slight vibrations at 8000+rpm./....but, dats normal.