Hi all readers.
To start things off, I have been riding the KARIZMA for the past 2 years. It is, with out a shadow of a doubt, an excellent bike on all respects. I have nothing but sheer respect towards the KARIZMA. To simply put it, HH is a legend maker. CBZ, the first premium sports bike in India and then they took it quite a few steps further with KARIZMA. its definetly a legend too. Bajaj, I feel is a trend follower or rather a trend improviser.
and now coming to the twist in the tale.
last week I sold off my 2 year old best friend, KARIZMA only to find a better friend in a beast which goes by the name PULASR 220 DTS-FI.
Its just been a week now, but the only thing I can say about PULASR 220 DTS-FI is that “I AM IMPRESSED”. I know that it is almost impossible to impress the KARIZMA riders simply because they are used to ride the best. But trust me when I say, even after riding the KARIZMA for 2 years, the PULASR 220 DTS-FI impressed me.
Factually speaking, there in not much to be compared between the 2 amazing performance bikes. Both of them are quick, fast and both look awesome. The PULASR 220 DTS-FI is technologically advanced though.
KARIZMA looks and feels intimidatingly big. Its has definitely got that big bike feel to it. And this is exactly whats missing with the PULASR 220 DTS-FI.
May be this is a not such a bad thing after all. Even though the PULASR 220 DTS-FI looks smaller and much compact, it surely feels much quicker than the KARIZMA. And to some extent it really is too.
I don’t really want to comment on the mileage and the quality part of it because I really don’t care much and I am sure that none of u readers do either. But just for information, my old friend, KARIZMA used to return 33kmpl which may be considered exceptional. And my new friend is returning around 36kmpl. and about the overall build quality, KARIZMA is better. no doubts.(any HH is)
As I have said, technologically the PULASR 220 DTS-FI is a few steps ahead of the KARIZMA. The PULASR 220 DTS-FI’s head lights are nothing short of amazing. And the rear disc and the clip handle bar and faring mounted mirrors add to the overall style statement of the PULASR 220 DTS-FI.
The bottom line is that both of them are undisputable very very good performance bikes and neither of them can ever disappoint anyone anytime anyhow. The KARIZMA(17 bhp) is fast but the PULASR 220 DTS-FI(20 bhp) is just that much faster. But if any of you wnat an exact answer, either the KARIZMA or the PULASR 220 DTS-FI, guess what, its an unending argument.
All said and done, I still have the utmost respect for the KARIZMA but as of now, I am totally in love(or lust) with the PULASR 220 DTS-FI.
And just to mention about both bikes oooomph!…. When I used to ride the KARIZMA people on the road, especially the young ones used to point out and say “wow…hey look karizmaaaaa” and I am sure it still happens to a lot of you KARIZMA riders. But now, with the PULASR 220 DTS-FI, the only reaction I am getting is “wwwwwwwoooooooowwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh”.(for those of you who are wondering what that is, its sheer amazement”.