Bajaj pulsar AS 150 is very good bike to buy . And I have Bajaj pulser As 150 there fore I have very good experience about Bajaj pulser As 150. The Bajaj pulser As 150 has 2 colours one is yellow second is red. The pulser
As it is giving the mileage of 55. And the Bajaj pulser As 150 speed is 150. And Nanak pulser As 150 is of RS.79, 400.And I have buyed this bike in August 17 on my birthday. And all in my family liked this bike and I also liked this bike. One of my friend was asking about our bike because he wants and bike for office. I told him that I have buyed and bajaj pulser As 150 which is very comfartable bike in RS.79, 400. And my friend also likes the pulser As150. And he bought that bike and now she his going office on Bajaj pulser As 150.