Just want you all to be aware of some facts which I experience with my Pulsar DTSi (A very proud owner in fact). When I was planning to go for a 2 wheeler, I opted for Pulsar only because of its astounding looks and its not so bad feedbacks. I waited for the DTSi models to arrive and got one in 2004, but now I became a die hard fan of this Bajaj Product.
First thing which everyone concern about,
- The Mileage..
Its exceeds your expectations in terms of its mileage economy. This is a sure winner in this category. It gives me around 50kmpl in Chennai city traffic (remember it is in its 5th year and I wont stop the engine while waiting in signals). If I took it for a long drive, it just surprises me with its mileage counting above 60 (+ 4 or 5)kmpl.
- Handling & Control
You dont have to be young and energitic to handle it properly. It can be well handled by people of all age groups. My sister used to tell that handling Pulsar is comfortable compared to some 100CC bikes. What more could you expect from it. Brake at speeds above 50kmpl and it comes to a halt within 3 secs. But dont blame me in case of any mishaps, it depends on the driver too.....
Control -
Disc brakes are too dangerous....(I bet Somebody would have told you this)
Inside city traffic, only bikes without disc brakes are vulnerable to most accidents.Not talking about rash drivers, around 55-60kmph speed, this large beast can be easily controlled by your finger movements with normal reflex actions.
Note here I am not talking about those who listen to music or use mobile phones while driving
In fact it is one of the most safest bike if you are driving within the limits.
- Looks
Its definitely male........
Any objections out there.
I havent heard negative comments about its looks till date.
- Comfort
Till now I have driven a lot of vehicles and I can say that Pulsar is one of the best. I am sure people who have been using this bike wont even compare this with any other bikes.
- You dont need to sit bending towards front while driving, if not may be you need to adjust your handle bar, but avoid using different handle bars apart from Pulsars.
2. Accelerator cable, clutch engaging are smooth. If not change the cable, but this does not happen for first 1 - 1.5 years normally.
Braking is effective, no need to brake too hard (even not recommended)
*Build quality is good
5. **Smooth shock absorbers
Settle in your own comfortable position
Visually check your tyre pressure
Be Aware of your fuel levels
Check your brakes
Kick start
- Reliability
Here comes the main topic...
You might have come across the legendary CD100 from Hero Honda and RX100 from Yamaha which came into the road during the 1980s and still available in the roads. But note that even Hero Honda and Yamaha could not attain that level of excellence in their current products.
1. The body painting itself has to be improved particularly over the metal parts and engine
It goes off gradually as time passes.
The overall vehicle wiring has to be improved (been better in the latest vehicles).
The quality of the electronic parts should be improved bcoz not all parts in all vehicles withstand to the same level. But anyway its OK with Bajaj as most spares are cheaper than compared to its competitors.
The side stand indicator sensor switch is a problem with old vehicles, but now the side stand has been slightly modified particularly to solve this issue.
Switches not upto the mark. If Indicator switch goes wrong, the whole setup(costs upto 450rs) has to be changed. Bajaj should do something about this as this will cost to the customers.
Anyway Bajaj has been constantly working with Pulsars to improve its quality continously. Hats Off to Bajaj
I face some problems with idling often, but still I love my Pulsar. But I can say for sure that those problem swhich I am facing has been resolved with their new engine, particularly with their Exhaustec series engines, they have reached a new level of refinement and gained respect.
Whatever it may be, you need to be a good (atleast a not so bad) driver, bcoz it will be safe for you and your vehicle. But dont be too much particular about anything. Nothing is perfect. Even you and I are not perfect.
Driving within the recommended speed and within the senses, its a real treat to have this
Check the service centre and service persons before servicing **as they are the real problem. They really do something wrong and that leaves you making regular trips to your service station.
*Bajaj should come up with their own service centres like Maruti as it will be a very good move to prove themselves that they are the best.
*Thanks for your time