What do you look in an ideal bike? Yes.Looks, Power, Mileage, Comfort. right?
Then you are going exactly the right way. PULSOR DTSi 150 is the best bet today available in the market(at least my experience proves). It is a marvelous blend of all the requirements.
Actually I switched from Hero Honda(CBZ) to Bajaj. I used CBZ for almost three years and I used to proud it at the same time I used to hate Bajaj bikes. But later on CBZ started giving problems with engine, mileage, power, pickup and on every front. I was also experiencing the back pain problem due to uncomfortable posture and huge weight of CBZ. That "kick stucking in pedal" problem was getting more severely SUCK*NG.
Then once a day I took a ride on my friends new pulsor and my eyes suddenly opened. That butter smooth drive gave such a splendid experience that I decided to own it.
Believe me the ride on this machine is so comfortable that I felt like flying in the air. The handle is ideal for the posture and imparts a style statement. I need not tell you about the aesthetics of headlamp, fuel tank, silencer, tail lamp, seat etc.it looks really muscular………a perfect male……. Head lamp has excellent appeal with the exceptional shape what they call ‘wolf eyed’. Two tiny lamps besides headlamp is a factor which makes me crazy about this bike. You wont find this feature in any other one. The new design of pulsor also looks good. It comes with digital Speedo console and LED tail lamp, sufficient to prove that you own a high end technology package.
One important thing I need to put in front of you about Bajaj. Bajaj Auto has already witnessed a transition of its identity from conventionalhamara Bajaj to technological advanced by successfully taking a lead in the market over the renowned brands like Yamaha, Suzuki, Hero Honda, Honda at least in this segment. For some people brand is the matter of pride/ego/esteem but I would suggest that dont be brand conciuos instaed listen to your heart, what you like the most honestly.
Bajaj uses leading technology excellence what they call it DTSi which stands for Digital Twin Spark Ignition means it uses twin spark plugs for a sinle cylinder engine. Bajaj used this technique first time in pulsor and it has been successfull till date. Convensional one spark plug in the combustion chamber in motorcycle delays the flame front created by the spark in reaching the farthest corners of combustion chamber. This results in a slower burning of the air-fuel mixture leading to a stunted power delivery and limited mileage. Defeating this convention for good, the bajaj Pulsor DTSi incorporates two spark plugs at either end of the combustion leading to complete combustion of fuel and ultimately better mileage.
Well you may find this techie talk quite boaring, but I can tell you this is the reason why Pulsor has better fuel economy over its counterparts of same power(CBZ, Unicorn). You can trust me, Im a mechanical engineer.
150 cc produces almost 11 bhp power which is sufficient for me to overtake the things which irritates to have ahead of me. DTSi has proved to be able to generate highest torque whenever required and thats why youll observe on the road that the most of the Pulsys easily overtaking other vehicle with sparkling speed. (You wont often observe this with Unicorn or CBZ). I also took a drive of Unicorn but didn’t felt the same power the Pulsor has. Also I didn’t liked the riding comfort of unicorn as far as the sitting posture and suspension system is concern. Pulsor has better suspension in any sense as it balances the load perfectly because of telescopic forks 135 mm stroke wit h anti-stiction bushes. Instead unicorn having a single suspension bar, which gives jerks at the turning radius.
Broad tyres are the gr8 source of attraction. It gives sporty looks and ensures perfect balancing on sharp turnings. Also it imparts stability to vehicle in high speeds.
Mac wheels are another factor of appeal. You just cant resist to have those in your bike. Today I just cant think of riding on those spoked wheel bikes. Thanks to Bajaj for adding such a remarkable feature!
Twin horns comes with sale package and believe me everybody gets moved out of your way after hearing its terrible ballastic sound.
I heard from some people that they are facing severe probelms in gear box, clutch etc in their pulsor. Thanks god.this is not the case with me. Although I faced a problem of deterioration of brake shoes, but it is resolved in free servicing. This problem might have occured due my bad habbit of keeping foot on brake pedal.
Talking about most awaited feature mileage, I think it is a perfect blend as you are getting lot of features with a mileage of 50-55 kmpl in a single package. I never got it below 50 kmpl in city . What do you want more!
The most important thing, I never approached to service station for any kind of malfunctioning or breakage. I never went to have puncture even. No maintenance at all. Just keep tracking the level of engine oil. And regular servicing, that’s enough.
I think you wont find other package in the market today as far as the combination of Looks, Power, Mileage, Comfort are concerned.
A complete package from Bajaj….A Product of Value for money………. So go fly in the air. :)