Hi dudes!!! with pulsar dtsi mag wheels , its gives real great view when you are stuck up in a traffic block with ur girl friend sitting and holding tightly from the back:-)..
im not gonna give you a technical based review as most of the reviews covers the same..
so lmme share some interesting feeling which had after buying my brand new black pulsar 150dtsi es with mag wheel..
the most attatactive part is the bikni masked head light and fuel tank.
After all it will give you a real sporty power bike feel by moving front part downwards wen u apply disc break....
pulling power is awesome...im refering to the pulsar 150dtsi with es and mag wheels. I dont know about 180cc .i heard that it has some gear shifting problem coz first gear is up wards and rest of all gears are downwards.but in 150dtsi , all d gears are down wards and gear shifting is very quick.
putting an extra engine cover gives it a perfect sporty look..im not boasting!!! take it from me..im planning for a long ride with my friends to mysore palace with this josh machine..
one more stunning feature is the double horn which comes with the dtsi es magwheels model..this horn sounds like that of a car.
several times it happend to me that people or bikers used to look back or go sideways to give the pathway...all coz of the high amplitude double horn..
another interesting feature I felt is that the front and nitrox rear suspensions...if u fall into a gutter on road, bikes body will be in the same position rather wheels get arranged them selves to maintain the stable position of the body...in that way rider wont feel the ruffness of the gutter while on ride..cool no??
when u release the throttle while riding, it will give u a reals sporty relaxing sound which I admire most!!!!
after all I wake up every day thinkiing of the pulsar ride in mind!!!