Magical combination of power, economy and style ;thats how I would like to describe arguably the best bike on the Indian roads.
Hi, I am Bhushan; not so crazy about bikes but surely likes to ride the faster ones. I have been lucky enough to enjoy almost al the bikes in India including the bikes in economy and ones in cruizer segment too, but when wanted a bike for myself I was confused and was in between economy, style, power blah blah and thats where I went for testriding PULSAR and believe me after riding for nearly 1 km I made my choice then and there It was obvious!!!!.
Still I am fascinated by this bike after riding for almost 7000 kms, the kind of pickup it takes with maximum throttle speed of 120 kms/hr (Self tested) its unbelievable to look at the stats of 150 cc and 13.5 Bhp. There is no need to talk about the style quotient as its already a style statement to have a PULSAR under your as*.
Now you can see a different race driving pulsars on the road, they are fast, stylish and still controlled. Go for riding this one n you will get to see that your average speed has increased by some digits.
Its no wonder that people can always talk big things about their bikes but this one is ......................................just unbeatable.