I purchased a Pulsar 180 in Sep 05.
From that day, Ive been fighting with my gears.
Every time I want to shift from FIRST to SECOND, instead of falling into 2nd, the gear comes and stops at NEUTRAL. I reported the matter to Bajaj Service and also explained the problem at one of the Customer Meets, in 2005, they had [first one in Cochin, after the product was introduced] . Some protracted emails ensued thereafter and finally, a Product Engineer from Pune drove my bike and [halleluiah !!] reproduced the problem; till then, everyone thought I was nuts ! Or, possibly didnt know how to ride a bike - this, after 35 years of using them all over the country .
A promise was made by the Product Engineer in July 06 that I would be a free man, cured of this problem by Independence Day. He also agreed to retro-fit an Engine Kill switch, on the house !
A second Independence Day has gone by with no end in sight - in fact, to add insult to injury, after they had agreed to change the gear system with a NEW system they had introduced, I was called by the local dealer [Popular Bajaj] and told to check my bike in for the promised change; again, Hallelluia !. But, they called me the next day and said that they did NOT have the FULL set !!
That was 4 months ago and Im still waiting for some promised action from Cochin and Pune !!
Is it going to be a case of interminable waiting ?
Wg Cdr (Retd) Dennis Lawrence
PS I used to be a flyer of fast jets and though at 62, I still love my bikes [2 of them] !