i am original(haha).
i own a pulsar150 dtsi second (one without mag wheels and 13 bhp)
i m new on mouthshut and decided to write review on this bike(starting) as I love bikes and I own this bike over a yr now ( 15000 kms) so I know very best about it.
the pulsar 150 dtsi is a gr8 bike but not the prefect bike.
its looks cool but I think CBZ has better looks than pulsar/unicorn.all of my friend like CBZ more than Pulsar/unicorn in styling feild. (girls too)
power this bike has best pickup of all three pulsar(plain, dtsi and dtsi with mag)
but not best in class. I m a college goin student so I unicorns and CBZs around ( fiero also but I wont consider them much)
it loses to Unicorn and CBZ everytime while we race.
yes before buying I thought it had better pickup than CBZ but I was wrong. my those friend who owned pulsar told me that it has better pickup and those friends who have CBZ said that CBZ has better. at that time we all were new in college so we hadnt raced. ok I bought pulsar 150 dtsi. as friendship grew more we started to race commonly. now we have (about 15)all three pulsar in our college, two F2, two older fiero, three UNICORN and 6 CBZ.
everytime we race (not all but some of us) UNICORN always wins.next is CBZ than pulsar DTSI (meri wali ....i mean 13bhp) than 1st or third pulsar.than F2 (if they are racing which is a rare case).
the guys who have fiero (older) races very rarely ( I dont know y but they are introvert type) but whenever anyone is racing its the UNICORN or there fiero on the lead.
we do have karizmas and 1 p180 dtsi 16 bhp but they are never included in our race.
fuel efficiency my pulsar gives 52-53 kmpl normally. my best friend has Unicorn which also gives same. this is I m sure. about other bikes I aint sure. whenever I ask a cbz guy the avg. he says 40. the F2 guys says 55-60.
so I m not sure about all bike but just about mine and unicorn.
handling some says its cbz some says its Unicorn thats the best. for me its the CBZ than Unicorn than pulsar(mine or 13.5 bhp). the 1st pulsar is a very bad handler.
problems the bike with min probs is the CBZ. it doesnt encounter any problem except low avg. the pulsar and Unicorn have problems but not with avg. the probs common on max Pulsars are Often jamming of handle, tachometer doesnt work, engine knocking, disc loses its effectiveness soon etc.
new pulsars gas shocker are pruducing sound every time over and speedbreker or pothole like thak
uni has problems with its taillights, plastics etc.
all n all the pulsar is a good bike and just good. not excelling in any feild performing little little in all.
i aint regreting my decision as CBZ has low avg.(i cant afford 40 kmpl) and Unicorn wasnt launched at that time and also its looks boring.
i recommend this bike to all.