Well....I have just bought a pulsar 150 dtsi ES 7 days ago....
The problem I see is that whenever I stop at a signal , the engine stops...I have to ES it again.....well this problem diminishes after it runs continuously 4 abut 20 mins....
Also for KS I need to accelerate in neutral a bit...Even the choke wudnt work without accelarating a bit in neutral.....
The rpm when the engine is at halt b4 stopping is generally 1000 .... Is this the normal rpm 4 a new pulsar....
Also, I want to know how much petrol in tank will give me optimum performance..does filling it in left or right side make much of a difference??
Also can I have some tips and tricks please 4 maintainence......Let me know how you used it for the initial month period....
Help me be a member of the proud pulsar family
Please reply...share your experiences with a novice....