I have experimented a lot on Indian breed of bikes including Bajaj Pulsar 180 , Karizma , Yamaha RX 100 and even Enticer. Every bike has its plus and minus points ..
I have used Pulsar for more than a year. What I seriously think that its more like a stout guy with a plump belly .... Or more realistic seems to be like Shammi Kapoor. Whenever you ride pulsar the weight seems to be totally concentrated in the front part so it totally defies the Law of Center of Mass concentrated at the center and so it is most unstable on Indian Roads. The problems crop up when you ride Pulsar at more than 40 miles per Hour ..
When you are staring at some weird thing and are just about to make a bash and you press sudden breaks , I guarantee your balls will be in your mouth ... If someday you are going to your office in the morning and you have an accident , that will not be a nice way to break your fast before having balls in your breakfast rather than eggs .. Dont mind now they will be smashed ..
I would appreciate if Bajaj will from now on provide Center Pad ( used in cricket ) and a special support near the tank including a fishing net to catch your balls once they start flying on their own ...
Compared to Karizma it has lower pickup ( 3.8 to 5 sec Pulsar loses to Karizma ) so that makes it even more susceptible to losses .. When you are riding a Pulsar with your Girl Friend make your Girl Friend drive the bike ... ( I dont need to give comments on this ) ..
Someday if you are riding a Pulsar .. It will make you visit your Doctor more frequently than a Mechanic or a dealer ..
Hope this finds you interesting ....