Much has already been said of the product. Mostly admired. However it is a bike for the riders who do all sorts of things with the bike and dont care for its existence.
Bajaj has made a good attempt but a very premature release. R&D in ALL areas are still on just to stabilize the product which at present is totally defective (overall build quality, performance, stability, dependability ... and many more) and full of flaws. Based upon the feedbacks from the users, Bajaj hope to improve the vehicle. In other words buy this bike if you want to help improve it at your own cost, your money - entire !! - time and energies, not to mention about pleasure and fun.
The bike presently has got serious flaws in the areas of consistency, reliability as regards with engine, chassis, wheels, tires and whatever one can see or unable to see of the bike. The components used are far from desired quality, the prescribed performance is never seen, the ignition timings very and are totally inaccurate, bike not capable of traveling in a straight line for 500 meters, components - each and every - from top (mirrors) to bottom (wheels)and front wheel to rear wheel fail miserably at any moment one after the another - non stop without a gap ....endless