A lot has been written and discussed on Bajaj Pulsars, yes I am right all pulsars may it be 150, 180 and now 200 or 220 DTSi-fi. everybody will be agree with me on following common parameters about all pulsars. and I am proud of Bajaj at least for the indigenous efforts it had taken without any technology borrowing from japanese companies. The parameters are.
Engine: powerfull, and eager to deliver the available power.
Transsmission: the only worst thing about the bike and enough to drive me away from it.
Suspension: I hope better than hero honda and unicorn.
Reliability: with the given engine and transmission, it can not be reliable.
Technology: very innovative, introduced a lot of first "time in india" features.
Looks: best in the indian bike industry.
BUT.those stunning looks which is the strogest point of all bajaj bikes is now becomming the weakest point of it. people buy 200 or 180 with bigger engine but that is the only difference. it looks almost like P150 Dtsi only. so 4 different engines, and same model name with only last nubers varying and same looking bikes.
On the other hand Bajajs rival have same engine and 5 to 6 models(three different trade names) with change only in bodywork.
So one has to pay few thousands more to get bigger engine but at the same time he(or she(?) definitely deserves more modern or at least different looks than the smller engined siblings.
so now its high time for bajaj to pay all the attention towards 1. transsmission and 2. different Looking bikes. and I am sure the creative people at bajaj are not short of ideas for giving more stunning looks to all 4 pulsars. so I wish all the best for them and eagerly looking for the next "different looking" versions of pulsars.